Ministry Work in Dangerous Territory | No, Not Syria Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau14 September 2015holy yoga, Christian yoga, Christian Yoga Teacher, Christian devotional, Christ-centered yoga, yoga for Christians, faith and yogaComment
There’s One Thing That Anxiety Cannot Change | Christian Yoga Class Devotional Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau2 September 2015holy yoga, Christ-centered yoga, Christian yoga, yoga for Christians, Christian devotional, faith and yogaComment
Your Life's Calling Will Come From Your Greatest Wound | Christian Devotional Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau7 August 2015holy yoga, Christian devotional, Christian yoga, Christ-centered yoga, Scripture, yoga for Christians, Christian Meditation, faith and yogaComment
How Holy Yoga Retreat Changed My Life | Christian Yoga Teacher Training Review Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau7 July 2015holy yoga, holy yoga retreat, Christ-centered yoga, Christian Yoga Teacher Training, Christian devotional, Christian yoga, Scripture, yoga for Christians, faith and yogaComment
How I Decided to Study Yoga Therapy | Christian Yoga Teacher Training Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau30 June 2015holy yoga, Christ-centered yoga, Christian Yoga Teacher Training, Christian devotional, Christian yoga, yoga for Christians, Bible Study, Scripture, faith and yogaComment
Holy Yoga Teacher Training | Half way there Josephine Lau20 June 2015holy yoga, Christ-centered yoga, Christian Yoga Teacher Training, Christian yoga, yoga for Christians, Scripture, Christian devotionalComment
"Purpose" vs "Call in Life" vs "Calling" | Christian Devotional Christian Yoga JourneyJosephine Lau17 May 2015Christian devotional, Scripture, Bible StudyComment
The Passion in Scripture Study My Yoga & Faith JourneyJosephine Lau4 May 2015Scripture, Bible Study, Christian devotional, theologyComment